Thursday, March 19, 2009

As everyone can see I have decided to change my song. This was mostly due to the fact that there wasn't much to analyze in my previous piece. This song, I believe, is about a drifter, or a man reflecting back on his days of being a drifter. Or it might just be a man reflecting back on the days when he was young and the world seemed full of opportunities and nothing was impossible.

In the first verse he reflects back on what seems like one of his first loves or probably his most serious love when he was young and how he thought it would never end as we often do when we're young and in love.

The second verse in he song is about how he made the transition into adulthood or how he became tired of his life as a drifter and decided to become a part of the rest of society. It tells of how he started to feel lonely and exhausted from "running against the wind."

In the end of the song the man comes to the conclusion that even though he has taken on the resposibilities of a normal adult, deep down he his still that same lost boy that he was years ago "running against the wind."

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