Wednesday, March 25, 2009

The next verse is about how the man makes his transition into adulthood and suddenly finds himself dealing with the obligations of everyday adult life as stated in the lines "I've got so much more to think about/Deadlines and commitments/What to leave in and what to leave out." He also says "And the years rolled slowly past/And I found myself alone/Surrounded by strangers I thought were my friends/I found myself further and further from my home." These three lines refer to when he had the first realization that he was no longer the same person that he was years ago, or that he had lost himself which he says in the next few lines: "I found myself further and further from my home/And I guess I lost my way/There where oh so many roads." 'Home' refers to who he really is and the fact that he lost his way because of the "oh so many roads" is due to the confusion that comes from making the transition into adulthood when you're trying to figure out what to do with your life and I think that he's trying to say that he lost himself somwhere in all that confusion.


  1. I mean I know you wanted more of something that came directly from the text, but i think you need to remember that interpretation is just that, interpretation. It is what you feel the song is saying. I thought it was talking about how they had left nothing to question about their relationship to any one. but i don't know i hope you figure it out!!! :-) see ya in class

  2. run with this! Talk about why wildfire/fire/burning have to do with passion and what passion has to do with young relationships. The connection might seem "obvious" but explain why it is obvious to so many people. Then again some people may not believe that relationships ever resemble fire based on their own experiences, why might that be?
